Local Law Firms Home > Construction Accidents > Third Party Causes of Action While workers’ compensation limits the amount of compensation an injured employee can receive, a third party cause of action allows people to sue a third party that may share responsibility for the injury. The availability of this option is dependent on the cause of the injury. Third party claims may include car accidents, slip and falls, getting hit with falling objects, and more. A third party is a non-employee or company representative that is somehow directly or indirectly involved in the incident that caused the injury. Have you are someone you love been injured in a situation where a third party was involved? If so, our lawyers can help you get the full compensation you deserve. Contact a Construction Accidents attorney in your area to get started. Types of third party cause of action:
A third party cause of action is when the blame for your injury does not fall solely on your employer. Workers’ compensation protects employers from being sued for work-related injuries. However, you may be able to file for workers’ compensation and pursue a lawsuit. In these situations, the employer and the third party may be held partially responsible. Finding one or the other solely responsible may negate your ability to seek compensation from each. You may be able to sue for pain and suffering, emotional distress, and punitive damages. A workers’ compensation lawyer that is well versed in third party cause of action law may be able to help you maximize your compensation. Has you or someone you care about been injured as a result of a third party’s negligence? Our Construction Accidents attorneys can help sort out the details and get the proper amount of compensation. Contact a lawyer in your area to get started.