Local Law Firms Home > Construction Injury > Construction Site Falls Falls is one of the leading causes of jobsite injuries. Construction site falls are the most common among falls. This may be due to the fact construction sites are typically on uneven ground. There is generally a lot of equipment and supplies around the worksite, which pose a tripping hazard. Construction workers may also be working at different heights in structures that do not have competed walls or floors. Construction workers often walk across beams or planks to get around construction sites. Have you or someone you love been injured as a result of a construction site fall? Our lawyers can help you get the compensation you need. Contact a Construction Accident lawyer in your area to get started on your claim. Types of construction site falls include:
Construction site falls are extremely dangerous and one of the leading causes of injury on construction sites. Construction site falls can result in spinal cord injuries or brain injuries. In some cases, a construction site fall can even result in death. If you have suffered from a construction site fall, you can file a workers’ compensation claim to cover the cost of medical bills related to the accident and lost wages. If you have had a loved one die as a result of a construction site fall, you may be eligible for death and burial benefits. You would need to file a workers’ compensation claim in order to pursue your benefits. Falling is one of the biggest risk factors for those working in construction. Falls account for one out of every three construction-related deaths. Despite increases in safety equipment and measures, the number of workers dying as a result of a construction site fall is increasing. Have you or someone you know been injured after falling at a construction site? Our lawyers can help you get the compensation you need to cover medical expenses and lost wages. Contact a Construction Accident attorney in your area to learn more. Did you know? In 2007, 442 construction workers died as a result of a construction site fall. Between 2003 and 2007, 686 construction workers have died specifically from falling off roofs. |