Local Law Firms Home > Construction Injury > Crane Accident Injury Construction Crane Accident InjuryCrane accidents may lead to serious work-site injuries, sometimes even death. Crane operation is a very dangerous job. Those that operate cranes, as well as those who work around cranes should be educated on crane safety to help ensure the safety of those around them. Injuries resulting from a crane accident will be eligible for workers’ compensation. The workers’ compensation benefits will help cover medical expenses and lost wages due to an absence from work. If you or someone you know has been injured in a construction accident involving a crane, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact an experienced construction crane accident lawyer in your area to help you recover the compensation you deserve. Some of the common causes of construction crane accidents include, but not limited to:
Crane operation and maintenance is closely monitored by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This includes OSHA guidelines dictating how far the crane must be from power lines. Due to the fact that cranes are often lifting and extending high into the air, contact with power lines is a serious risk. Running into a power line with a crane puts the crane operator at serious risk of electrocution. OSHA controls many safety regulations regarding cranes because they do present such a high risk if not used properly. Every crane has a very specific capacity, which must be understood and not gone over. Going over the crane’s capacity can result in a crane accident. Crane manufacturers provide load charts for all crane operators are a means of making it easier to understand the crane’s capacity. The weight capacity of a crane varies based on the angle and the stability of the crane. Before a load is lifted with the crane, the crane operator needs to calculate the weight of the load and make adjustments accordingly. Have you or someone you love been injured in a construction site crane accident? If so, contact an experienced construction crane accident lawyer in your area to help you recover the compensation you deserve. Did you know? |