Local Law Firms Home > Workers' Comp Law Overview > Construction Injury > Welding Accidents Welding is a highly regulated activity in construction because it is so dangerous. Over 500,000 construction workers are injured each year as a result of a welding accident. Welding injures may range from UV burns to death. Welding equipment and procedures are regulated by OSHA, but accidents are still fairly common due to the dangerous nature of the job. Some employers provide their welders with up-to-date equipment as a means of curbing the odds of an accident. Have you or someone you know been injured as a result of a welding accident? If so, our workers’ compensation lawyers can help you get the compensation you need. Contact a lawyer in your area today to learn more. Types of welding injuries:
Welding accidents may be the result of a number of factors. They may be caused by welder mistakes and misuse or by faulty equipment. Welding equipment includes welding torches, welding masks, and welding tanks. Welders may be exposed to UV or IR radiation that may result in the need for ongoing medical treatment. Welding injuries may require immediate medical attention, ongoing medical treatment, occupational rehabilitation, hospital stays, surgery, and more. Welding accidents may also lead to permanent disability or death. In the case of death, the victim’s family would be eligible for workers’ compensation death and burial benefits. The results of a welding accident can be devastating to your family, and it is important that you understand what your rights are in regards to compensation. Although this can not compensate for your loss, it can help relieve the financial stress of income loss. Has someone you care about been killed as a result of a welding accident at work? If so, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation death benefits. Our lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve for your loss. Contact a lawyer in your area today to get help with your claim. Did you know? |