Local Law Firms Home > Workers' Comp Law Overview > Construction Injury > Improperly Braced Trenches Improperly braced trenches can lead to injuries when the trench collapses with workers still in it. Improperly braced trenches account for the fact that construction site fatalities in excavation work more than double fatalities in other forms of construction work. Improperly braced trenches may lead to falling objects, crushing injuries, and more. Have you or someone you love been injured due to improperly braced trenches? If so, our lawyers can help you get the workers’ compensation needed to cover your medical bills and compensate for lost wages. Contact a workers’ compensation attorney today! Possible compensation you may receive includes:
Approximately 60 people are killed each year in trenching accidents. These deaths happen despite the safety regulations and procedures that been put in place and regulated by OSHA to ensure the safety of the workers. An important element of building a safe trench with proper braces is understanding the type of soil the trench is being dug into. Understanding the soil will enable workers to understand the type and method of bracing that needs to be in place in order to make the trench safe to work in. Trench failures typically start at the bottom of the trench wall where the pressure pushing out on the brace may be the strongest. The pressure may cause the brace to move slightly, which may leave enough room for the soil behind the trench wall to shift. The movement of soil behind the wall causes the upper portion of the wall to collapse. Once the wall collapses, all the soil and material behind the wall will break through into the trench. When this happens, all the workers in the trench and working at the top of the trench are at risk of injury. Have you or someone you loved been injured in an accident caused by improperly braced trenches? Our lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve for this type of accident. Contact a workers’ compensation lawyer in your area today to get started. Did you know? Improperly braced trenches are the leading cause of injury and death in excavation workers. Improperly braced trenches pose an immediate threat to the construction workers working in the trench. |