Local Law Firms Home > Workers' Comp Law Overview > Construction Injury > Scaffolding Accidents Scaffolding accidents may result from scaffolding being assembled incorrectly, scaffolding not being properly anchored, or from workers on the scaffolding making errors in judgment. Regardless of the cause of the scaffolding accident, those injured in a scaffolding accident can file a workers’ compensation claim to get financially compensated for medical bills and loss of wages. Have you or someone you know been injured in a scaffolding accident? If so, our lawyers can help you get compensated for your injuries through workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation can cover both medical expenses and loss of wages. Contact a workers’ compensation lawyer in your area today to get started. Possible injuries resulting from a scaffolding accident include:
Scaffolds are a commonly used piece of construction equipment. An estimated 2.3 million construction workers work on scaffolding daily. Each year, there are approximately 4,500 scaffolding-related injuries reported. This translates to approximately $90 million in lost workdays. There are two general types of scaffolding. Supported scaffolding is set up on the ground and built up the side of a building. Suspended scaffolding is anchored to the roof and suspended down the side of a building. Both are fairly common forms of scaffolding used on construction sites and they each pose a threat of scaffolding accidents. Seventy-two percent of construction workers who have been injured in a scaffolding accident have reported that the accident was caused by either the planking or support giving way. Another source of injury in scaffolding accidents is workers slipping or being getting stuck under falling objects. When working on scaffolding, construction workers are often working great heights because the scaffolding can be used to go up the entire side of a building. Falling from scaffolding or being on scaffolding when it collapses can be a very dangerous and scary situation. Has someone you love died as a result of a scaffolding accident? Our lawyers can help you get the death benefits you deserve from workers’ compensation. Contact a workers’ compensation attorney in your area today to learn more about your options and to get started. Did you know? |