Local Law Firms Home > Medical Malpractice Overview > Plastic Surgery Mistakes These days, cosmetic surgery—also known as plastic surgery—is a big business. With more and more individuals electing for cosmetic procedures throughout the country each year, more surgeons who enter this field may not be fully trained or properly licensed in performing these delicate surgical procedures. It is a complex medical procedure which can go hand-in-hand with a great risk of issues if the surgeon is not adequately trained or neglects to adhere to the correct standards of medical care. Medical errors during cosmetic surgery can cause permanent physical injury, disfigurement, and in some cases, the errors can deadly.
In most scenarios, cosmetic surgery is an optional surgical procedure that is often not medically required. Because of this, many cosmetic surgeons offer their medical services through advertisements in high traffic areas that will target the consumer directly. While most cosmetic surgeons are highly skilled and trained physicians, the business side of things has caused many doctors throughout the country and the world performing surgical procedures without the correct credentials and training. When a plastic surgeon neglects to follow the proper standard of medical care, tragic consequences can result. During any surgical procedure, a physician will be faced with circumstances where quick choices must be made. Without the proper experience and training, errors often result. Did you know? Our medical malpractice attorneys handle potential cosmetic surgery cases nationwide for victims who have suffered from a preventable medical error. Request a consultation as soon as possible to review the details surrounding the incident and determine if monetary compensation may be available. |