Local Law Firms Home > Medical Malpractice Overview > Brain Injuries Nothing will have more of an effect on an injury victim and their loved ones like a serious head injury. A brain or head injury can result in a lifetime of medical treatment and rehabilitation. The entire family is impacted, as around-the-clock medical care at home or institutionalized treatment may be needed.
A serious brain injury can result from a various type of negligent medical acts. If you or a family member has been a victim of a brain injury, some of the signs that may appear include the following:
Head injuries are tragic, life altering, and they usually are not apparent to the casual observer. As a matter of fact, traumatic brain injuries are sometimes referred to as the “invisible injury” and the “silent epidemic” mostly due to the fact that victims often aren’t even aware that something is wrong. Did you know? When a nurse, doctor, anesthesiologist, obstetrician, midwife, or hospital neglects to offer proper care during the birth of a child, a brain injury can result. When this happens, the parents are immediately placed in a position that they never should been put in to begin with. Many questions about the future come up—including questions about the future of the child’s medical condition, medical expenses, and much more.