Local Law Firms Home > Employment Law Overview > Whistleblowers A whistleblower is a brave individual with a strong sense of integrity who reports a worker's, employer’s, or a company’s misconduct or misbehavior internally or to a local, federal or federal public agency or law enforcement agency. The whistleblower often faces retaliation after “blowing the whistle,” or reporting what she or he, in good faith, feels is illegal conduct by the company.
Selecting an employment law attorney to represent you in a whistleblowing claim is probably one of the most vital choices that you will ever need to make. Making the wrong choice and your representing employment lawyer could end up losing your lawsuit, which may result in you losing a lot of money for standing up for what you believe in and for what's right. On the other hand, make the right choice and you will see that the employment law attorney will have a true comprehension of your lawsuit and as a result will act with dedicated determination to deliver a full and fair result. Rest assured that a highly skilled employment lawyer can answer any of your legal questions regarding the situation you’re currently in. Did you know? Blowing the lid on a fraudulent business practice is not a simple decision to make. All types of thoughts may run through the mind of a worker who is contemplating whistleblowing such as: Who can I depend on? How will it impact my employment situation? Or, am I to anticipate retaliation? |