Local Law Firms Home > Employment Law Overview > Wage Discrimination
When companies are guilty of wage discrimination, it is not only harmful for the worker who is being discriminated against, but it is also against the law. Our employment law attorneys are to assist you and can help you recover any earnings you lost as a result of unfair treatment. What's more, our employment law attorneys always work to maximize the recovery of our clients and in the event that employees are discriminated against on the basis of age, race, gender, sexual orientation or another type of personal reason. Did you know? Damages for wage discrimination under certain state laws may include not only the recovery of any income lost as a result of the discrimination, but can also include interest, liquidated damages, and much more.
Did you know? For some things, you don't even need an operating union to have collective rights while on the job. For instance, if the company proposes a shift to a 10-hour, four-day week, the workers have the prerogative to vote on it whether or not you are receiving representation from the union.