Local Law Firms Home > Employment Law Overview > Severance and Release Agreements If you are leaving a business and have a choice to sign an employment contract such as a release or severance agreement, our lawyers have strong advice: don't do it without consulting an employment law attorney first. Employers use severance agreements to safeguard themselves in an array of ways. The truth is they really don't care that much about safeguarding the rights or futures of their workers.
Our employment lawyers have extensive experience representing victimized employees in individual and class action lawsuits. We have an excellent track record of safeguarding our clients' rights and monetary interests in issues such as release agreements, severance packages, and employment contracts. Did you know? Frequently, release contracts are filled with illegal and one-sided terms meant to limit workers' rights on the job market, while compensating workers as little as possible to guarantee company interests are protected. As a matter of fact, many of these contracts are in violation of wage and hour regulations. |