Local Law Firms Home > Employment Law Overview > Paycheck Errors Although plenty of people enjoy their work and don’t even view it as work—unless someone is working somewhere for an internship or merely for experience, one of the entire points of a job is getting a paycheck. However, nothing is more frustrating than receiving a paycheck that is incorrect and is less than the amount owed.
Companies' paycheck errors can reflect any amount of intentional or accidental violations by the business. For instance, some workers work at split rates, earning one rate while performing one group of tasks and a rate wage while performing a different set of tasks. If an employment law attorney can prove that the employer only compensated overtime at the lower time-and-a-half rate despite which occupational duties were performed, on the other hand, the worker should be able to recover monetary compensation in the form of back pay, penalties and very possibly lawyer's fees as well. Did you know? Whether mistakes in your paycheck reflect data entry flaws, misunderstandings as to deduction amounts, communication errors, or a conscious business policy to shortchange its workforce, our employment law lawyers can investigate your unique situation and explore and explain the legal options that are available to you regarding any errors or flaws that may have been in your paycheck or in multiple paychecks. Contact our employment law attorneys for extra information and for an evaluation of your possible employment law case. |