Local Law Firms Home > Employment Law Overview > Illegal Fluctuating Workweek The fluctuating workweek is one main way that companies try to get away with not compensating hard workers the right amount of overtime compensation. Fluctuating workweek violations come up when workers and companies enter into an agreement under which the worker is to be compensated a fixed salary per week. In effect, the more time put in by workers can result in a lower typical rate of compensation, providing companies with a great scheme to violate state and federal overtime laws: they force their workers to put in a large amount of overtime hours at a lower rate of compensation than the law requires.
If you believe that a fluctuating workweek is causing you to put in more hours for less compensation, our lawyers are ready to talk to you about your legal options. Our attorneys have the resources and skills to represent workers in individual and class action cases to recover unpaid standard and overtime compensation. Did you know? Many workers who make a salary as opposed to an hourly wage assume incorrectly that they are not qualified for overtime wages. |