Local Law Firms Home > Criminal Defense Overview > Criminal Defense Weapon Charges Arrest Weapons offenses vary depending on the state in which the act occurred, but can include illegally carrying or possessing a deadly weapon, improperly firing a gun, or using a weapon while committing a crime. Most states take these offenses quite seriously, and it is possible to be charged with a felony if certain weapon laws were violated in your state. In addition to being charged with the use or possession of a deadly weapon, an offender may find themselves facing a weapon charge if they gave or sold a weapon to another individual who does not have a legal right to carry or possess that weapon—even the person who gave them that weapon does, in fact, have a legal right to possess or carry the weapon. Additionally, an individual who is legally able to own or carry a weapon may find himself or herself facing weapon charges if a child was allowed to gain access to that weapon.
Are you or a loved one currently facing weapon charges? A lawyer can help! Contact a criminal defense attorney in your area today for more information regarding your case. Some of the following weapons are illegal in many states and may lead to weapon charges depending on their use:
Were you or a loved one arrested due to weapon charges? An attorney can help! Don’t delay—contact a local criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible for more information about obtaining representation for your case. Did you know? Often, weapon charges and arrests usually result from stop-and-frisks, routine traffic stops, or other encounters with police officers. Additionally, law enforcement officials may arrest you on charges for weapon possession or misuse if they receive a tip from somebody regarding your weapon, or if they discover one while you are being arrested on an unrelated offense.