Local Law Firms Home > Criminal Defense Overview > Bail Bond Surety Hearing When an accused individual is arrested and brought to jail, a bail bond hearing is arranged. At the hearing, a judge creates a bond amount, which may be paid in cash or you can pay bonding company a certain percentage of the value of the bond. The intention of the bond is to secure the accused individual's appearances at upcoming court proceedings. If an accused person is released from jail on bail, but neglects to appear at their next court date, he or she gives up the cash bail bond. Was your loved one recently arrested? Our criminal defense lawyers can help! Contact an attorney today for more information about obtaining bail for your friend, spouse, or family member.
Did you know? A bail bond hearing lawyer in your area will defend you at your hearing to convince the judge that you are not a possible flight risk. Just the fact that you have hired a private, criminal defense lawyer is enough to prove to the court that you are invested and involved in your case. To find out how we can be of assistance in your specific case, please contact a local law firm as soon as possible for a consultation. |