Arkansas Legal Overview: Pine Bluff The Pine Bluff metropolitan area in southeast Arkansas is defined by the Census Bureau as covering Cleveland, Jefferson and Lincoln counties. Pine Bluff is the metro area's principal city and the county seat of Jefferson County. Each county is served by a circuit court, which acts as the main trial court with general jurisdiction. Cities in each county may additionally have state and local district courts. The main cities and towns in the Pine Bluff metro area are listed below.
Top Arkansas cities for Legal Issues: Pine Bluff
1. Both Jefferson and Lincoln counties are served by the 11th judicial district West-Sixth Division, based in Pine Bluff. The court handles everything from Arkansas divorce petitions to criminal prosecutions and civil lawsuits. The circuit court division that handles cases for Lincoln County is located in Star City. There are six departments of the Jefferson County District Court located in six different cities, including one each in Pine Bluff and White Hall. Pine Bluff additionally has another Pine Bluff District Court. 2. Workplace harassment got so bad for Lillie Mae Foots-Wilson, 49 that she shot a co-worker in the head. The victim, Latange Long, 34, was killed and Jefferson County Prosecutor S. Kyle Hunter has charged Foots-Wilson with first degree murder since the shooting was premeditated. 3. Five-year-old Trace Williams of Pine Bluff, AR was killed in a car accident when the SUV he and his family were in flipped over on the highway. A family friend was driving the Williams family as they were coming back to Arkansas from a vacation in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Jefferson County Circuit Court
Jefferson County District Court Pine Bluff District Court Arkansas 13th Judicial District Arkansas Supreme Court
Trending Pine Bluff Legal Topics: Cleveland County is served by the 13th judicial district, which also serves Calhoun, Columbia, Dallas, Ouachita and Union counties. The circuit court serving Cleveland County has divisions mostly outside the county and the Pine Bluff metro area, but has one circuit court judge in the Rison. The Cleveland County District Court has a Rison department. Appeals coming out of all these courts can be filed with the Arkansas Court of Appeals and then the Arkansas Supreme Court as the court of last resort. |