Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Dangerous Drugs > Xarelto Dangerous Drugs: Xarelto Lawsuit An anticoagulant is a treatment that is used to prevent blood from clotting and causing serious damage. There are many conditions that use this drug as a staple in their treatment. Anticoagulants have been around for ages and are generally successful. But what happens when one of these treatments do the exact opposite of what its supposed to do? The results could lead to disaster. Have you or someone you know has experienced adverse side effects from taking Xarelto? Contact a product liability attorney in your local area today! Xarelto is a treatment that is used to prevent blood clots from creating complications in a person’s health. It was approved by the Federal Drug Administration and it is commonly used to prevent blood clots, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in patients who have undergone a hip replacement or knee surgery. Though the drug has been relatively successful, it has also been linked to some serious potential side effects such as:
The Institute for Safe Medication Practices recently conducted a study of Xarelto and other similar drugs on the market and their adverse effects. The ISMP sent the report to the Federal Drug Administration. The report showed that in the first quarter of a recent year that the drug was responsible with over 356 reports of serious injury and even fatal injury. The report also showed that some patients taking the drug after knee or hip surgery had developed severe blood clots. When a patient takes a drug, they put their trust and hard earned money into a product they believe has been through rigorous testing and meets high standards of safety. Though all drugs have a side effect or two, they should never put at risk for something worse than they already have. The potential side effects listed above could cause many health complications and in some cases, they could even be fatal. Aside from the emotional and physical stress these conditions could put on the patient, new medications and doctor’s appointments could be needed. Treating these side effects could add up quickly and create a terrible financial situation for a patient. If you or someone you know has experienced any adverse side effects and has taken Xarelto, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact a product liability attorney in your local area today! |