Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Defective Scooters > Wrongful Death Defective Scooters and Wrongful Death Our aggressive and experienced attorneys have represented clients throughout the country who have suffered tragic injuries as the result of accidents caused by electric scooters and wheelchairs with defects. Recently, there has been numerous cases of injuries in connection to defective self-balancing scooters known as, "hoverboards" resulting in serious burns, including property damage. Unfortunately, many users of other types of defective scooters have sustained injuries that were fatal due to a malfunctioning components. Have you lost a loved one due to a defective scooter or electric wheelchair? If so, you may be entitled to monetary compensation in a wrongful death lawsuit. Contact a product liability attorney in your area for legal help today. Wrongful death in an electric scooter or wheelchair accident may be caused by:
As more and more individuals are becoming dependent on the use of scooters, the statistics of death caused by scooters have increased as well. Our successful wrongful death attorneys help clients throughout the country by utilizing our product liability experience and skills, in addition to reputable personal injury and wrongful death knowledge to recover the financial compensation that you and your family rightfully deserve for your loved one’s fatal scooter-related accident. Our lawyers will fight to hold the scooter manufacturer responsible for the death that their defective product caused. You may be entitled to monetary compensation in a wrongful death settlement to cover the costs of funeral expenses and more. Did you lose a friend, spouse, or family member due to a malfunctioning scooter or electric wheelchair? If so, an experienced lawyer can help during this difficult time. Contact a product liability lawyer in your area as soon as possible to find out more information about your wrongful death case. Did you know? |