Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Defective Scooters > Wrongful Death > Scooter Defects Scooter Defects Motorized wheelchairs and electric scooters that have been poorly maintained or are defected can result in severe harm to users, including tragic and deadly injuries. Monetary compensation may be awarded to victims of electric scooter accidents to cover the cost of lost income, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more. Were you or a loved one injured by a defective electric scooter or wheelchair? Our product liability lawyers can help! Contact a personal injury attorney in your area today for more information about a potential lawsuit. Examples of defects found in scooters and motorized wheelchairs include but are not limited to:
In addition to these common dangers, many electric scooters are created with specific medical needs in mind. More advanced scooters can be built with necessary medical devices. Each additional device increases the risk of a malfunction. As with any type of motorized wheelchair, a malfunction in the control system could result in the scooter losing control. Since users are often too incapacitated to help themselves in the event of a loss of control, the harm sustained from this type of incident is frequently serious. Our experienced personal injury lawyers can assist you by filing a claim after an electric scooter accident. It is vital for victims to know what their legal options are by speaking with an attorney and obtaining more information about product liability and personal injury law. Company designers, manufacturers, and retailers of defective scooters have a liability to compensate victims of accidents caused by their carelessness. Were you or a loved one harmed by a defective electric wheelchair or scooter? Our product liability attorneys can help! Contact a local personal injury lawyer today to find out more regarding a potential settlement. Did you know? |