Local Law Firms Home > Nursing Home & Elder Law Overview > Skin Burns Scalding Water Burns from scalding hot water can happen as a result of water systems that are either defective or installed carelessly, inadequately trained staff or intentional harm. Not only is this a very painful injury—especially for an elderly individual with fragile skin—but the infection that can result from severe burns can be serious or even deadly.
Are you or a loved one a victim of skin burns from scalding water or other source? If so, our nursing home abuse lawyers are here to help. Contact a nursing home abuse attorney in your area today for more information about skin burns sustained in a nursing home and your legal rights to monetary compensation and more. Did you know? After being exposed to 130 degree water for thirty seconds or 140 degree water for only six seconds, severe burns can be inflicted. Even just five minutes of exposure in water with a temperature of 120 degrees can result in third-degree burns, the most serious type of burn that there is. |