Local Law Firms Home > Maritime Law Overview > Head Injuries at Sea Head Injuries at Sea Among the more physically demanding jobs out there are the jobs at sea. Heavy lifting, constant moving and working with heavy machinery can leave a person exhausted after a short time. Couple this with the long hours that most offshore workers deal with and you have a recipe for disaster. People who work average jobs have a general idea of how the whole workers’ compensation thing works. An accident occurs and it is reported. But what happens when someone is injured at a job that takes place at sea? Have you or someone you know experienced a head injury while working a job at sea? If so, contact a maritime lawyer in your local area to discuss your case today. Head injuries aren’t always obvious injuries. In a lot of cases, a person will feel as though they received a bump on the head and while they’re in pain, they’ll try to take an ibuprofen for the pain and keep going with their day. But head injuries can take a lot more than ibuprofen to cure. Head injuries could lead to:
Most people who work at seas fail to realize just how many rights they have. People who experience this kind of injury could be covered by the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. This act serves to provide compensation for lost wages after an incident and compensation for medical care that may be needed to treat an injury sustained at sea. In the case of a more tragic incident, which a loved one has been lost to this kind of injury while at sea, the family could also be eligible to compensation through the Death on the High Seas Act which gives the family the right to seek compensation when their loved one passes away while working at sea. If you or someone you know has experienced a head injury while working at sea, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact a maritime lawyer in your area to discuss your case today. |