Local Law Firms Home > Auto Car Crash Overview > Truck Accidents > Turning Accidents Every year, there are thousands of truck accidents throughout the U.S. that result in severe damage to both the person and the vehicles involved in the accidents. Truck accidents, by nature, can be more damaging than an accident between two smaller vehicles. Trucks, which can weigh more than 80,000 pounds, are serious threats to car drivers, whose vehicles usually weigh around 3000 pounds. Because of this weight difference, a car colliding with a truck in an accident would result in the party driving the car being dramatically more damaged than the party driving the truck. While generally truck drivers are known to be more careful on the road than car drivers, truck accidents still occur quite frequently, and leave the victims of the accident in tough situations both financial and medical.
With individuals involved in truck driving accidents, specifically accidents involving a truck driver who was making a turn negligently, there are many problems that arise as a result of the initial injury. Victims who suffer from truck accident injuries are often hospitalized and in some cases can even cause fatalities. When a truck driver negligently makes a turn and collides with a car as a result, a personal injury claim could be made to hold the party liable for the accident responsible for the damages suffered to the victim of the accident. Victims of truck accidents are entitled to compensation in the form of a personal injury settlement, allowing them to receive funds to help offset costs of auto repair, medical expenses, and personal trauma. Did you know?