Local Law Firms Home > Auto Car Crash Overview > Truck Accidents > Rear-end Collisions When there are rear end collisions involving a truck and another vehicle moving at high-speeds, the end result is almost always worse for the other vehicle. If a truck slams into a car from behind, the passengers have little or no chance for escaping unscathed. If it is an under ride accident where another vehicle rear ends into the truck, again it is the driver that gets crushed beneath the truck. Did you lose a loved one in a rear end collision as a result of a careless trucker? Our truck accident lawyers are here to help you during this difficult time. Contact a truck accident attorney in your area today to find out more about receiving monetary compensation in a wrongful death suit. Listed below are a set of similar reasons for which people often seek assistance from a read end collisions lawyer.
It's a common tendency to assume that the vehicle that slams in from behind to cause rear end collisions is responsible. If it is a truck that came in from behind and rear-ended your car, then it's simple enough to hold the driver, the trucking company and owner responsible. But even when it is the truck that gets rear-ended, there's a good chance it can be held responsible for the accident. There can be many valid reasons, from improper lane changes to brake failure and bad weather. It can even be a pile-up, where the truck rear-ends another vehicle or vice versa as part of a big multiple-car accident. Determining the actual cause of the accident is very critical to ensuring that those responsible are made to pay for their mistakes. Were you or a loved one injured in a rear end accident due to a negligent truck driver? Our truck accident attorneys are here to help. Contact a truck accident lawyer in your area today to learn more about recovering financial compensation in an auto accident lawsuit. Did you know?