Local Law Firms Home > Auto Car Crash Overview > Truck Accidents Truck Accidents: Poor Trucker VisionTraffic safety should be vital to all drivers, but truckers need to be especially attentive to their vision and need to pay attention to their body's physical changes, including a decrease in the quality of their vision, which could impact their driving ability. Being able to see well is one of the most essential components of driving safely. This is especially true for truck drivers who operate large and powerful vehicles, drive long hours, and often drive late into the night. When vision is already poor, seeing at nighttime can become that much more difficult. Although poor vision can affect truck drivers of all ages, it is especially problematic amongst older truck drivers. Poor trucker vision can result in:
Most people are aware of the fact that your eyesight often begins to change when you are over age 40. The amount of light your eyes require to drive safely doubles approximately every thirteen years. For example, an individual that is 45-years-old requires quadruple the light that a 19-year-old requires. If a driver is 60-years-old, their eyes require ten times as much light. Good vision is vital to safe driving since about 90 percent of what truckers do while driving is based on what they see. |