Local Law Firms Home > Auto Car Crash Overview > Truck Accidents Truck Accidents: Bad WeatherBad weather is almost never a legitimate excuse for a truck driver to cause an accident. Most of the time, truck accidents that have occurred when the weather was bad could have almost always been prevented if the truck driver took proper caution. Just because the weather conditions are poor, does not mean that the truck driver’s judgment needs to be as well. Were you or a loved one involved in a truck accident due to bad weather? You may be entitled to compensation. Contact our personal injury lawyers today to find out more about your potential case. Some examples of bad weather and truck accidents include the following:
According to Federal regulation 49 CFR § 392.14, truck drivers are required to exercise extreme caution when driving a commercial vehicle during dangerous weather conditions. The regulation also enforces speeds being reduced during poor weather conditions that can adversely affect traction or visibility. Additionally, if weather conditions become so poor that the driver experiences problems with visibility or properly operating the truck, the driver is required to pull over and wait until the weather conditions improve. With unrealistic deadlines to meet, many truck drivers choose not to pull over and instead choose to risk their lives, as well as the lives of other drivers on the road. When truck drivers go over the posted speed limit, especially in poor weather conditions, the results can be deadly. Even driving the posted speed limit in poor weather conditions is not recommended and can lead to an accident. Truck drivers may be found liable for an accident if they weren’t driving slowly during bad weather conditions and were the direct cause of a collision. In bad weather conditions, it is vital to drive at a speed that allows drivers to stop within the clear distance ahead before colliding with another vehicle on the highway. |