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Friedman, Hirschen & Miller, LLP

Friedman, Hirschen & Miller, LLP

Call Now: 518-377-2225 Website: http://www.friedmanhirschen.com

100 Great Oaks Blvd, Suite 124
Albany, NY 12203

Contact: Jeffrey Miller

Experienced Representation for Injured People and Their Families in Upstate New York Since 1950

Practice Areas


New York Personal Injury Lawyers

The personal injury law firm of Friedman, Hirschen & Miller in Albany, New York, serves the communities of the Capital District and Greater New York state. If you have been injured in an accident, you need an experienced lawyer to help you get the recovery you need. Our attorneys work hard to provide help for injury victims and their families.

Automobile Accidents

Each year in New York, car and other automobile accidents cause thousands of injuries, including many that are catastrophic or fatal. We represent victims of every type of automobile accident, including head-on and rear-end collisions, rollovers, T-bones and construction zone accidents.

We also help victims of motorcycle accidents, pedestrian and bicycle accidents, and automobile accidents that result from drunk driving.

Truck and Commercial Vehicle Accidents

Semi trucks, tractor-trailers and other large vehicles have the potential to cause greater impact and injury, due to their overwhelming size and speed. At Friedman, Hirschen & Miller, in addition to our truck accident representation, we provide help to victims of accidents involving commercial vehicles, buses and trains.

Accidents have the potential to cause a wide variety of injuries ranging from mild to severe. These include bodily injuries such as fractures, shoulder injuries, back and neck injuries, knee, joint and ligament injuries, and scars or disfigurement. They also include burn injuries, amputations, chronic pain, and brain and spinal cord injuries.

Contact an attorney at Friedman, Hirschen & Miller and learn more our personal injury representation and what it can do for you. Call us in Albany at 518-377-2225.