Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Dangerous Drugs > Mirena Dangerous Drugs: Mirena Lawsuit Children aren’t for everyone.. Be it in a marriage or outside of one, many women and couples are making the decision to be responsible and try to avoid a situation they may not be ready for. Even though condoms are the mainstay, there are many more options for birth control than previously available. But no matter how impressive or fun the commercials make them seem these options are not without their risks. Sometimes the side effects could override any positive aspects of the option and the results could be devastating. Have you or someone you love experienced adverse side effects from Mirena IUD? Contact a product liability attorney in your local area today! Mirena IUD was developed and approved by the Federal Drug Administration as an intrauterine contraceptive. Shortly after, it was approved as a treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding. The apparatus was marketed as an alternative to dealing with pesky pills and inconvenient contraceptives. But it wasn’t long before the potential for serious adverse side effects came to light. Among these were:
Any patients with Mirena IUD could be at risk for these serious side effects. These potential side effects could lead to miscarriage, compromised fertility. When a couple decides to use contraception, they’re under the impression that they are doing the most responsible thing for their body and lifestyle. Without being made aware of these potential hazards, its a betrayal to market this product without an extensive list of what a patient should look for. Aside from the emotional anguish that these potential side effects could cause on a patient, treating them could be very costly. More medications for treatment and in some cases extensive surgery may be required and could result in lost time at work. The cost of this treatment could add up over time making an already difficult situation much worse. If you or someone you love is currently experiencing adverse side effects and have had Mirena IUD installed, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact a product liability attorney in your local area today! |