Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Dangerous Drugs > Invega Dangerous Drugs: Invega Lawsuit Schizophrenia is a difficult condition to live with because it put confusion and emotional strain on the patient and everyone else who is involved. The most menial everyday task can be a long, drawn out affair. While most patients suffering from this condition are older adults, it can be especially draining on children and young adults. Those awkward social phases aren’t exactly helped out by this condition. There is currently no cure for this condition but there is a variety of treatments and drugs available to make this condition more bearable. But what happens if these drugs lack warnings of serious side effects? What happens if these drugs just serve to make everything worse? Are you or someone you know suffering the adverse effects of Invega? Contact a product liability attorney in your local area today! Invega is a drug that is used to treat schizophrenia. It was approved by the Federal Drug Administration for this purpose and it was manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceutical. While the drug has been relatively successful, it is also a relatively new drug. Studies have made a link to a series of potential side effects in patients, most particularly younger patients. Among these potential side effects are:
It's no shocker that all drugs have side effects. Its one of those reasonable things that all patients except when they take a drug. A cold here, mild depression there. But a patient never expects that the side effects could affect their everyday lives in adverse ways. Nor should they. Patients who take these drugs put their trust and money into the hands of big companies with the idea that their products have been through extensive testing and study. Aside from the physical and emotional pain these drugs could cause a patient, they can also be very expensive to treat. New medications, treatments and even surgery could be required for some of these effects. If you or someone you know is currently experiencing adverse side effects and have taken Invega, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact a product liability attorney in your local area today! |