Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Dangerous Drugs > Gardasil Dangerous Drugs: Gardasil Lawsuit The demand for HPV vaccinations have boomed in recent years. It seems every TV doctor and primetime news anchor has a story or argument for the HPV vaccine. The vaccination has gotten so popular that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that all girls ages 11 to 12 get the vaccine. But what if this vaccine, which claims to prevent cervical cancer among other diseases, wasn’t thoroughly studied? Have you or someone you love has suffered adverse side effects after taking Gardasil? If so, contact a product liability attorney in your local area today! Gardasil was manufactured by Merck and approved by the Federal Drug Administration as an HPV vaccination. Though the manufacturer touted a staggering 90-100% success rate and has lobbied to make the the vaccination mandatory in some states, recent studies suggest that the vaccination may not be as safe as initially thought. Gardasil has been linked to:
Since Gardasil’s approval, there has been at least 3,400 complaints of adverse side effects related to the vaccination. Many experts suspect that this number is actually higher and growing. Studies and reports are only recently being discovered and researchers expect that there will be more alarming finds as research continues. When a patient takes a vaccine, the idea is to prevent a dangerous ailment or illness. Patients trust the vaccines they are taking have gone through rigorous testing and are clearly safe to use. Many patients are skittish about taking something as simple as a flu shot. Knowing that these vaccination may cause such adverse effects could be very alarming. Especially when the initial reports boast such a high success rate. Though any reasonable patient knows that vaccinations can have mild side effects, they should never be life altering or put patients at risk for other illnesses. If someone you love has recently taken a Gardasil vaccination and is currently experiencing adverse side effects, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact a product liability attorney in your local area today! |