Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Dangerous Drugs > Ditropan Dangerous Drugs: Ditropan LawsuitAt one point or another, everyone has had to do the “potty dance”. A business meeting that seems to run far too long, a movie that’s in a crucial part, someone pouring out their feelings over something important – all too familiar to someone who has to go to the bathroom that very second but just can’t. Of course, in most cases, they’ll just make it over before something embarrassing can happen. For people with overactive bladders, this happens a lot more often and it’s just not fun. The National Association For Continence reports that over 200 million people suffer from an overactive bladder. Luckily, there is a variety of treatments available for those suffering from this condition. But what happens when the side effects are underreported? Have you or someone you love experienced side effects from Ditropan? Contact a product liability attorney in your local area today. Ditropan is a drug that is used to treat overactive bladder. It is created by Johnson and Johnson and approved by the Federal Drug Administration. The drug has been relatively successful in its purpose. However, the Federal Drug Administration has recently released documents urging that the warning on the drug should be stronger to more effectively point out how dangerous the side effects can be. Side effects related to ditropan are: The FDA recently looked over reports of side effects in Ditropan patients and found that the percentage of patients who had experienced hallucinations were more significant than previously believed. When a patient takes a drug to treat a condition, they expect that all the potential side effects have been properly researched and pointed out in the warning. And while all drugs have their side effects, they should never put a patient a risk for a worse condition without a proper warning. Aside from the emotional trauma that these effects could cause, they can also be expensive to treat. New medications and therapy could be required. If you or someone you know has experienced of the listed side effects and has taken Ditropan, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact a product liability attorney in your local area today. |