Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Defective Toys > Manufacturing Defects Defective Toys: Manufacturing Defects It’s hard to find a child that doesn’t love toys and games. They can be soft and snuggly or loud and flashy. There’s a type of toy out there to please any child. For them, it’s exciting as a brand new car or winning the lottery. Unfortunately, negligence can mar even the best toys leading to an unsatisfactory toy at best – and a deadly one at worst. Has your child been harmed by a toy with manufacturing defects? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for your child's injury. Contact a product liability lawyer in your area today to discuss your case. Toy related injuries are unfortunately common. In a recent two year period, the Consumer Product Safety Commission reported a staggering 514,000 children required a trip to the ER with toy related injuries. Sometimes a company is in such a rush to release a toy, especially during the holiday season, that testing procedures can be hastily done or even avoided. This negligence results in these common manufacturing defects:
These manufacturing defects could lead to serious injuries such as:
Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that hundreds of toys are recalled each year for manufacturing defects. Toys are supposed to ensure proper, rigorous testing to ensure high safety standards are met. It should be noted that most defective toys are found to have been manufactured in China. But even so, the most reputable toy companies and trusted brands are often found guilty of manufacturing defects. In these cases, the manufacturer could be held liable for these injuries. Regulations state that any toy intended for use by children under 3 years old must contain a warning of small parts and possible choking hazards. State laws vary from state to state regarding lawsuits for these matters. Some states even have a statute of limitations on these cases so it’s best to act quickly. If your child has suffered an injury caused by a badly manufactured toy, an experienced lawyer can help. Contact a product liability attorney in your area for more information regarding your case. Did you know? The Center of Disease Control and Prevention reported that toy injuries affecting young boys outweighs young girls by over 58% |