Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Defective Toys > Design Defects Defective Toys: Design Defects It can be argued that children love toys as much as adults love cars. Nothing quite lights up a child’s eyes like a toy does. When parents buy toys for their children, they expect it to be something they can have fun with. Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned. A design defect in a toy can produce devastating results. Has your child suffered an injury because of a design defect in a toy? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for your child's injury. Contact a product liability lawyer in your area today to discuss your case. When an individual hears “design defect”, they usually imagine an object of shoddy construction breaking and harming a child. But this isn’t always the case. There are many ways in which a toy can be defective. Sometimes a toy could be improperly marketed to the wrong age group. There could also be a lack of warning labels for small parts and other hazards such as:
These hazards can lead to serious injuries such as:
Unfortunately, most companies only learn about these hazards when a child is seriously or worse – fatally injured. At that point a company will normally recall their product. But for some victims that’s too little, too late. The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that hundreds of products marketed to children are recalled each year. In these cases, the manufacturer could be held liable for these injuries. State laws vary from state to state regarding lawsuits for these matters. Some states even have a statute of limitations on these cases so it’s best to act quickly. If your child has suffered an injury caused by a toy with design defects, an experienced lawyer can help. Contact a product liability attorney in your area for more information regarding your case. Did you know? Most parents will buy toys from reputable companies rather than smaller, Chinese companies. Little do they know that even the most reputable toy manufacturers are guilty of serious defects. |