Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Defective Toys > Laceration Hazards Defective Toys: Laceration Hazards It’s hard to find something a kid loves more than toys. To children, toys are the equivalent of getting a new car or winning the lottery. It’s a great way to celebrate an achievement, cheer up a child, or even a just because to see them happy. Unfortunately, from time to time these toys are found to be unsafe. Worse still, the imperfection is usually found when a child is injured. Has your child suffered a laceration injury from a toy? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for your child's injury. Contact a product liability lawyer in your area today to discuss your case. A laceration is a serious injury that requires stitches. Common causes of lacerations in toys are:
Lacerations, on top of being very painful, can have complications. Effects of lacerations are:
One of America’s most popular and recognizable toy stores was recently involved in a scandal for exclusively carrying a toy that had a laceration hazard. The toy was a travel trunk that could be used to carry large dolls and small accessories for them. The trunk featured an unpadded, unprotected carrying handle that had small sharp edges. The handle could collapse and cause split lacerations. Two children reportedly suffered these lacerations and required stitches. The toy store had to issue a recall of over 13,000 of these trunks. Aside from the emotional and physical trauma this could cause a family, the financial strain can be immense. Most parents may lose hours of work to care for their injured child. The hospital bills could easily reach into the thousands for those without insurance. There are steps to avoid this incident in the future. Many websites provide lists of recalled, defective and dangerous toys. In these cases, the manufacturer could be held liable for these injuries. Regulations state that toys should not have sharp edges and objects such as handles should be padded or made of dull but durable materials. If your child has suffered an injury due to sharp edges in a toy, an experienced lawyer can help. Contact a product liability attorney in your area for more information regarding your case. Did you know? The Center of Disease Control and Prevention reported that toy injuries affecting young boys outweighs young girls by over 58% |