Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Defective Toys > Drowning Hazards Defective Toys: Drowning Hazards You would be hard-pressed to find a child that doesn’t love being in the water. Pool parties, a trip to the beach. It’s all wonderful, really. Parents do their best to keep an eye on their children and make sure they are safe at all times. Water wings, inflatables and other toys are here to help make the water safe and fun. At least they’re supposed to – unfortunately, manufacturing defects can make a trip to the water end in tragedy. Has your child drowned or suffered an injury due to a faulty pool toy? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for your child's injury. Contact a product liability lawyer in your area today to discuss your case. Now more than ever, there are many pool toys on the market. From stationary objects such as water noodles to inflatable toys and dolls, pool toys are more popular than ever. Common manufacturing defects in toys that are often drowning hazards are:
These defects can lead to drowning and near-drowning symptoms such as:
One of America’s largest and most recognizable toy stores was recently involved in a scandal for carrying a pool toy that posed a drowning hazard. The pool toy was a large inflatable seat for babies with leg straps to help a child wade above water. This toy seat was recalled due to flimsy, easily torn fabric. The leg straps could tear and cause a child to fall beneath the water. Given the age that these toys targeted, it is unlikely a victim could survive such an incident without an adult’s help. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reported that 31 seats had been reported as torn. Over 4 million of these pool toys were recalled by the manufacturer. Aside from the emotional and physical trauma this could cause a family, the financial strain can be immense. Most parents may lose hours of work to care for their injured child. The hospital bills could easily reach into the thousands for those without insurance. There are steps to avoid this incident in the future. Many websites provide lists of recalled, defective and dangerous toys. In these cases, the manufacturer could be held liable for these injuries. Regulations state that pool toys should always come with a warning to inspire adult supervision during use. If your child has suffered an injury caused by a badly manufactured toy, an experienced lawyer can help. Contact a product liability attorney in your area for more information regarding your case. Did you know? The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that Children ages 1 to 4 have the highest drowning rates. |