Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Class Action > Yasmin Attorney Yasmin has come under public analysis in recent times due to its supposed link to the development of severe side effects. Yasmin is one of the latest in an increasing line of birth control products that’s created to help women avoid unplanned pregnancies. It’s been quite successful over time, and there are many benefits to using Yasmin, also referred to as “Yaz” and “Yas” by some, which has resulted in a large volume of sales.
Reports in the media are increasing with information that Bayer Healthcare has agreed to settle approximately 70 cases filed on behalf of women who were harmed by Yasmin birth control products. The complete amount of the settlements is still currently unknown. Initially, the birth control product was approved back in 2006 by the FDA. This product contains drospirenone, an ingredient that is a chemically artificial form of progrestin that is used in newer types of birth control pills. It's is thought that drospirenone use may be the cause of a number of severe conditions such as deep vein thrombosis, blood clots, pulmonary embolism and stroke. Have you lost a loved one due to complications caused by Yasmin the birth control? A Yasmin attorney can help during this difficult time and you may be able to recover compensation in a product liability case. Contact a Yasmin class action lawyer today to learn more. Did you know? Recently, the FDA stated that patients who have taken the birth control were at a 75% risk of developing a blood clot. A couple months later, however, an FDA advisory panel discussed recent medical discoveries that were starting to surface. The FDA decided that a more intense warning label must be placed on the product. |