Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Dangerous Drugs > Avodart Dangerous Drugs: Avodart Lawsuit Having an enlarged prostate is a very common condition these days. Almost all men experience it at some point or another in later years. The prostate will grow and put strain on the urethra making urine flow difficult eventually causing problems in the bladder. Enlarged prostate affects over 1 in 3 men over 70 years old. Fortunately, there are many treatments available on the market for this condition. But what happens if these treatments only serve to make a terrible condition much much worse? Have you or someone you love been is suffering the adverse the adverse effects of Avodart? Contact a product liability attorney in your local area today! Avodart is a treatment for enlarged prostate that is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline and approved by the Federal Drug Administration. It works by reducing DHT levels and shrinking the prostate. The drug is also used to treat baldness. Though the drg has been successful, the drug has been linked to a number of serious potential side effects such as: The Federal Drug administration recently announced that Avodart and other drugs of the same class would receive updated warnings to advise patients and doctors about these risks. Patients taking drugs to treat a condition or illness put their trust and hard earned money into big companies with the hope that experts working on the drug and evaluating the drug will know its a safe treatment. Though all drugs come with a set of side effects, they should never put a patient at risk for something much worse. Aside from the emotional and physical suffering that these potential side effects could cause, the costs can really add up. New treatments, doctor’s visits, therapy and even surgery could all be required to treat one of these side effects. For uninsured and insured patients alike, the costs could create a terrible financial situation making it difficult to keep up with monthly bills. If you or someone you know has taken avodart and has suffered any of the adverse side effects listed, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact a product liability attorney in your local area today! |