Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Dangerous Drugs > Abilify Dangerous Drugs: Abilify Lawsuit Bipolar disorder has become something of punchline in recent years. The condition is seen in movies and on tv as a blanket term for someone whose fickle or hypocritical. The condition has entered daily vocabulary of many people to refer to fickle people. However, those who actually experience bipolar disorder know that the condition is no laughing matter. The tension created by this condition on friends and families can tear relationships apart and lead to danger. If you or someone you love is experiencing adverse side effects from taking Abilify, our product liability lawyers are here to help. Contact a product liability attorney in your local area today! Abilify is an atypical antipsychotic developed by Bristol Myers Squibb and approved by the Federal Drug Administration. The drug has been relatively successful but it has not been without its pitfalls. The Federal Drug Administration recently updated the warning labels for Abilify to warn medical professional of potential serious side effects. Abilify has been linked to the following:
Abilify now carries a black box warning, the FDA’s strongest warning, for these potential side effects. In a recent study, similar atypical antipsychotics were found to increase the chances of older patients being diagnosed with diabetes. Patients seek out these drugs with the idea of getting better. These patients put their trust and hard earned money into doctors and big pharmaceutical companies with the notion that they know the potential effects of their products. Though any reasonable patient knows that medications have their side effects, they should never be life altering or put patients at risk for other illnesses. Aside from the emotional anguish these side effects could cause a patient and their family, they can also take a financial toll. These side effects could lead to pricey hospitalizations and medications that can build over time and cause insurmountable debt. It is important to act fast! If you or someone you love has been affected by any of the listed adverse side effects while taking abilify, you may be entitled to monetary compensation in a product liability claim. Contact a product liability attorney in your local area today to find out more! |